Adding your GA4 Analytics tracking to your website

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We have gone through the steps of migrating to GA4 Analytics now it is time to add GA4 analytics tracking to your website.


To add the Google Analytics 4 tracking code, you can either –

  1. Modify the theme file to insert the tracking code or
  2. Use a plugin to insert the tracking code

Plug in option- The simplest and less likely to cause an error!

The handy plug in Monster Insights allows you to set up dual tracking of both your UA analytics and your GA4 analytics.  In the first Blog Setting up GA4 analytics we noted down our GA4 ID and our API Secret.

Here is the monster insights step by step guide to adding dual tracking

Please Note: When using Monster Insights Plug In to add GA4 Analytics tracking to your website this will create a new data stream in your Google Analytics. You will therefore need to create events which you can mark as conversions for importing into your Google Ads campaigns. For more on Creating Goals in GA4 Analytics see the blog

Other great plug ins include Insert Headers and Footers by WPBeginner, Insert Headers and Footers is a simple plugin that lets you insert code like Google Analytics, custom CSS, Facebook Pixel, and more to your WordPress site header and footer. This is where you will need that tracking code you noted down in the first blog.

Find out more here

How to Add GA4 Analytics to a WIX Website

If you have a Wix  website then you can simply change your UA ID for the new GA4 ID

Simply log in, then go to your chosen site

Under the tab Marketing & SEO go to Marketing Integrations

Under Google Analytics click VIEW

Locate the 3 dots top right and click edit

Remove the old UA- Analytics code and paste the new G- code and click SAVE

That’s it your Wix site is now tracking GA4 analytics

Here are some links to guides from other popular drag and drop website builders

Go Daddy

Square Space

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